.rh-chat, .rh-greeting { z-index: 9999999 !important; } The Soap Dish Dependency – Parrotfish
.rh-chat, .rh-greeting { z-index: 9999999 !important; }

The Soap Dish Dependency

A soap dish is a necessity for bar soap. It is not just a cute accessory but prevents soap from becoming waterlogged and soggy. A good soap dish will lift the soap enough to provide airflow and allow excess moisture to drip away completely, preserving your soap bar.

Now, why do you need a soap dish? Parrotfish soaps are all-natural and do not contain preservatives that keep soap hard. Instead of chemical compounds, glycerin or acids, we use oils and butters such as olive oil, shea butter, sunflower oil, sweet almond oil and cocoa butter to produce a firmer bar of soap. Your bar should last anywhere from 4-6 months if stored properly.